Monday, 11 January 2010

so... where's that ninja been?

Well, she's been here and has seen some of this:

She's had some sun, some rain, some unexpectedly humid and chilly nights, some family time, some playing tourist with that boy, some going out, some time with friends (note the stellar, if slightly sneaky, appearance of Miss Topogiggio of melaxufling on the last pic above). Now, back to this:

A few transitional and spaced-out days tend to apply in the case of long breaks back home. However, once over the recurrent and seemingly inevitable existential first couple of days (which, thinking about it, should be rather redundant at this stage), a total ninja recovery is expected.

She's just (this very minute) been told it is a perfectly common and harmless condition, though.
Roger that. Back to you.

CV UPDATE: This post's cheekily going to double up as corner view this week as I'm fully unprepared plus those are shots actually taken during my hols in Barcelona. Totally allowed, isn't it? Good.


  1. Helluuuuu, nice to have you back! I am catching up on your ninja trail and love to see that you and I are walking on snow ;-)

  2. I missed you, you never told me you'd go away:)! Quite a contrast, I must say, but it seems to me that you're recovering, and I love this perfect Ninja post. Buon Anno!

  3. Wellcome ninja!
    I think all of us have thought about you looking down to our feet. And quite a few blogged about it...jajajajaja...
    Se te echa de menos...snifff...

  4. who's been blogging about MY feet? ;P
    gracias y zorionak 2010.

    francesca, buon anno anche a te, cara.
    more pics on the slideshow, as per usual :)

  5. ABOUT DAMN TIME! i was missing you...

  6. HA! just sent you a mail.
    stop stalking me then, will ya? ;P

  7. love the tiles... glad you´re back! hugs!

  8. feliz año nuevo ninja!!
    Me encanta la colección de pies :)

  9. Welcome back & good luck with recovering :)

  10. Yeah! You didn't get captured! We were looking for you in every tree!

    Hope your footsie travels were great. Love the shoe collection, especially the green sneakers.

    Happy Week, NinjaGirl!

  11. So many floors... you are a ninja flyers !!!

  12. My goodness, Barcelona has the most interesting flooring - glad you captured it for us ms. ninj.

    Take your time recovering from the holiday - think we (at least me) all have a little (or a lot) of this in common...ole!


  13. Very cool shots and perfectly appropriate for Corner View. I love them!

  14. Perfect holiday cv. I would love to see/walk all those floors of Barcelona.

  15. Great CV! Looks like you've been walking on very nice grounds during your holiday!

  16. you've covered a lot of ground, ninja. nice way to update-and totally allowed. happy new year to you!

  17. Oh, this is so funny! Thank you and what a great idea.

  18. Nice, nice idea ! Where are youuuuuuuuuuuu now ?

    I wish you a happy year, full of different floors and shoes !

  19. What a wonderful way to show how busy you've been! Very artistic!

  20. great cv!
    have a nice week!

  21. that's totally allowed!! I love the concept.
    So Ninja!!

  22. It's totally good. Love the shoe pics. They're favs of mine.

  23. Nice to see you again Ninja.
    Great welcoming post, true to the spirit of ninja-ism indeed.
    sending A smile from Japan:)

  24. Looks like you have been busy! Wishing you all the best to come in 2010!

  25. Wheey hey! Your back - loving all the shoes!


what's that I hear (read rather)?