Wednesday, 10 February 2010

repurposed: one object in your house that you've found another use for

That, my friends (and anyone else who happens to be reading... hello there!) is the very succinct cv title Francesca chose. Hun, this is not going to help Southern Europeans shake off that reputation that we elaborate too much when we speak, or that we write sentences that are too long and therefore need lots of conjunctions and other forms of punctuation all over the place for fear or losing the thread of what one had started writing by the time one is half way through such a long and elaborate tirade, rather than composing shorter phrases in a more Anglo-Saxon manner.
No. That title's definitely not going to help. Nah uh.

Anywaaaaaaaay. Repurposing stuff. I haven't got many interesting things to show as I got rid of lots of stuff during the move. All I have is the following and I've realised they're all containers of some kind (haven't got closets or wardrobes yet) but that still counts, doesn't it?

So, here you have 'em. Olive tray (what's that all about anyway?), grocery basket (previously used as bicycle basket), (real) bicycle basket, Mexican plastic mini shopper bag thing, folding crate replacing the grocery basket previously playing bicycle basket on that bike.

More. Many many more here.


  1. Great ideas and wonderful mutiple uses! xo

  2. Oh pooey look at you all prepared for your Wed CV... i love your repurposed items.. especially the bicycle basket.. very cool.

  3. Hilarious. I even gave you a google smiley face. What's that? I don't know, I saw that this post already got one, it certainly deserved at least a second one, and I found the little smiley button. But you know what (I'll try to keep this short), I sense a very strong southern european connection here as I also posted about a bicycle basket! (incidentally, do you think we all only repurpose bicycle baskets?!).

  4. I nearly lost my breath with that long meditation phrase...adorable.
    Love bike baskets...must ask you some ideas for mine...hahahaha

  5. Oh my god ... it's the same things for me !

  6. ;-) something to do with a bicycle of course.

  7. The grocery basket turned into a bicycle basket, very funny!

  8. I've never seen anyone use an olive tray for olives. You've put it to a far better use. Many people ending up living out of boxes when they move, but yours are so stylish!

  9. Love the pink plastic bike basket (oh how i miss biking and bike accessories) can totally relate to your move comment, twice over now and we only have the barest of items which have come and gone with us. Must agree with that first wee rant, living in Malta means its all around me all the time....folks with lots to say about.... everything big and more often small. Husband included.

  10. hahaha, ninja the bagandbasketlady, well i do have a closet but it's full with bags and baskets ;-)

    en Jip & Janneke rocken!

  11. jajajaja, qué bueno estuvo! un beso y pasa un buen día!

  12. the mexican bag looks great ... and thanks for your sweet message on my CV !!!

  13. do we only repurpose bicycle baskets? of course we only repurpose bicycle baskets, francesca. what a silly question. it's our oldest tradition, woman.

    olive trays are just a bizarre concept, if you ask me.

    daan... pas op jij.

  14. hee hee to the preamble,
    I may put it to re-use somewhere:)

  15. That first line was too hilarious...verrrry long sentence;-)
    I can see you have many baskets/containers as well. Which is a good thing, I think. Maar uh, das een goed idee zeg, die Olive tray op die manier te gebruiken. So I might go and find myself one of those funny trays. And I'm glad you liked the movie, eventhough you don't like that mierzoeteslijmeindgoedaltijdgoed-hollywood films. Ach, zo leer je nog eens wat -LOL- Have a great day!

  16. My kind of reuse! Have a great week!

  17. love the intro! and the pink!

  18. You're so clever!! Remember I stole that olive tray idea for our Christmas cards this year! LOVE that little red deer card tucked inside your tray! Darling!

  19. The bicycle basket - a southern European thing or maybe it's just that they're so darn cute!

    I admire your purging of clutter - I need a move of household to shake off some of this sh...stuff. Yes indeedy!

  20. I want this pink bicycle basket !!! Géniale !

  21. I love a good post like this. Now I know what my bike missed.....a pink grocery basket! Want that...badly!
    I´m a woman with a mission now. I will have to find one like that during my stay in Holland. Oh how I love to hunt for things like that! ;) You just yanked me out of my winterblues!
    Big huggie!

  22. I like them all but I especially like the bike basket, I'd like one of those!

  23. Ah, but it seems to me that Henry James was criticized for his lengthy sentences as well, and he's not the only one.

    Containers definitely count!

  24. jeanette, it's a folding crate from... the HEMA, where else? (I just drilled holes in it and used those plastic strips to tie it.)
    bye bye, winter blues.

  25. nice! i have a ton of little baskets and containers from other things we use too - I just didn't feel like taking photos of it all full of weird stuff today. ;P bwah! that cut out black one is funky!

  26. LOL.

    you have a lot of boxes. actually - turning around on my swivel chair i see a green laundry basket full of ... STUFF.

  27. love the pink folding crate become grocery basket/bike basket.
    Oh man my left and right parts of my brain are all messed up now!!!
    love the intro!

  28. Unique containers are great. You make me want to organize my closets!

  29. ok, i read the whole post without breathing... where can i get me one of those pink bike baskets? i might just have to go on a little shopping spree in your corner... when it´s warmer :)

  30. i really like your repurposed... especially the idea with the bicycle basket is great! i really want to have one, now!

    you are right my last posting: first i thougt about a pink or turquoise... but the last time i thougt about a strong red or blue! we will see...

    have a nice weekend!

  31. Wow ... so many bags and baskets :)

  32. I also keep all my bags and baskets. you never know what they are for :) Have a nice weekend!

  33. I like this funny "recyclage" ! Great CV

  34. I to failed miserably to have many "repurposed" items for display!

    Glad to hear you got the slippers - they really are fantastic!!

  35. I loved hearing all of your great ideas and smart applications, La N:) Mother Nature must be so proud with you. Happy Tuesday~


what's that I hear (read rather)?