Sunday, 11 April 2010

spring cleaning with a twist

That messy splodge to the right is the "signature" a bird left on my window. The bugger.
So no, unlike some other people, I do not really get my knickers in a twist on the issue of spring cleaning.

Note: I replied to all your questions on the "kroket" on my previous post. No idea whether anyone goes back to read those. But just in case...


  1. *uuuaaaahhhhhhh* cannot stop to laugh...

    i really hope for you, that your neighbours don`t read your blog ;-)

    FANTASTIC... the pic, the shit, the slip, the ass,... everything!

  2. What a very lively neighborhood:)!

  3. Wow.....that´s one brave woman! least you don´t live in a boring neighbourhood. ;))))
    My neighbour across the street once played air guitar .....naked. I was having too much fun watching it, so forgot to take a picture. Darn!

  4. ... Aren't you ASHAMED ????
    I love your picture... anyway... truely !-)))

  5. EEEK, that's great!!! You must have had such a laugh. I actually admire the woman for having the nerve to wash her windows in only her knickers... or maybe I'm just being nice :^)

  6. lololololololololol!

  7. Muy animado vecindarío, jajajaja.
    Abrir la ventana y encontrar eso, jajaja. Yo tengo un perro histérico que me ladra cada vez que me asomo...jajajaja.

  8. is that the view from your corner? amazing! i'm cracking up!

  9. I'm not sure what to say about this, on one hand I feel sorry for your neighbor, but on the other hand I think she was asking for it. Whatever the case that photo is brilliant, and nearly made me piss my pants, which is the point really, huh?

  10. at least you're wearing pants (as in trousers in americano)

  11. Made me think of the ugly naked guy from Friends. Not that your neighbour is ugly or even naked but still. Pretty relaxed. :-)

    And please swear chez moi. I am pretty fond of that way of expressing feelings.

  12. Oh! Hahaha. Seriously now, you should print out the picture and slip it in her mailbox.

  13. holy shit! are you kidding me? how did you keep the camera from shaking? i would have been laughing too hard...

  14. and dorte's comment is making me laugh even harder!

  15. you cause such scandal among corner viewers!

  16. wow, you saw that for reals? Maybe that is why the bird decided to shit all over itself and your window when it saw that...

  17. made me laugh out loud!! thanks for the laugh!!

  18. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha no puedo parar de reir! me encanta tu barrio!

  19. STOP!! You're kidding me!! Fantastic!!

  20. Oh! Perfect after the krokett!!
    ... and nicely framed too!


what's that I hear (read rather)?