Monday, 5 July 2010

naranja es el color

No feet this time. Just a few ever-so-slightly orange touches before the match last weekend. Yup. Football is definitely da name of da game this week too.
Orange, orange, the whole country is orange.
I just happened to buy an orange chair the day before (coincidence?) And... Have you seen that ciggie butt? Orange end plus the flag of the Netherlands. WTF? On Saturday evening there was not a centimetre free on the park where we went to watch the match. (In all fairness it was the combo glorious footie victory + extremely hot weather + Faithless playing at the park that evening.)
Orangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. How orange can you go. Well... very.
I will, of course, be supporting "my other" team on Wednesday night too.
Bloody 'ell. Hard work this week, ei.


  1. Oh I have lost interest seeing as the US and England are both out.. seems like Germany is out to trounce everyone anyway!!!!! like the bangle though.

  2. Vivi un par de años en Den Haag y comprendo lo que es la fiebre naranja :) Trabaja usted en Amsterdam?

  3. i have no idea what you're talking about game-wise (i have not been following any of the world cup madness!) but i do love all the orange, right down to the ciggie butt.

  4. Looks like a festive time in Amsterdam Ms. Ninja. The next time or two you can give us the shoe shots :^) You know how I love 'em...

  5. wouldn´t a spain/netherlands final be fun? but don´t think they are going to get past germany... loved your feet btw:) p.s. red goes with orange ;)

  6. I'll be bleeding dutch orange if you don't take the cup. seriously. we're eating hagelslag all week in your honor. don't let us down...

  7. Yes, these are busy times. I will support both teams (you know which ones, right?) by NOT watching any of the craziness. What can I say, support can be done in silence and absence too ;-)
    Enjoy and hup hup for lively, summery colors!

  8. Que bueno el cigarrillo...jajajaja.
    Final Holanda-España, jajajaja...corazón partido!

  9. corazón partido indeed (heart split in two) were the final to be nl-es ;)

    anywaaaaaay... off in a minute wearing the maaaad wrap-around skirt a friend brought me from bangalore (needless to say, it is very orange.)

    ole, ole y ole holanda!
    and tomorrow
    hup hup & hup spanje!

    suze, I'm well impressed.
    dona, that's just bollex and you know it :)

  10. red is the colour babe


  11. Congrats on last night's win! Orange power! :-)

  12. Great "oranje" I live in Aachen, directly at the dutch border, I always favoured a Netherlands-Germany-Final! This would be a huge party in our region however it ends!
    But there's Spain yet to come and the octopus-oracle said they would win the match...let's see... ;o))

  13. love the orange. my girls stayed up till 3 watching that game.

  14. esas fotos lo dicen todo: debe ser una locura! me encanta la del cigarrillo...

    y vamos España!

  15. Red power allways beat the orange one ... last man standing.

  16. I totally don't get the world cup craze. It was a huge thing in Lisbon, with people so busy drinking beer that I'm not sure how much soccer they followed, up north here in Braga I can report LIVE ON NINJA (just came back to the B&B) that the whole event seemed to be more low key.

  17. Orange or red ... ???? That will be the question !!!! ; )


what's that I hear (read rather)?