Wednesday, 13 October 2010

mate, just relax...

... or "Mens, erger je niet", which is the very appropriate Dutch name for Ludo, Parcheesi, Parchís (and literally translates as "Man, do not get irritated".).

Very appropriate indeed. People get extremely irritated while playing it. Particularly when a ninja wins hands-down a couple of times in a row, without even bothering to concentrate on the game much. Apparently, she's more interesting in building a perfectly balanced stage of sorts for the winner; i.e. for herself. Mwah ha ha ha.

See? Everyone's a winner. Chill, will ya?


  1. The Ninja always wins ! Yeah !

  2. ha ha. not at all and the thing is that I'm not that bothered either and that's why it surprises me so much when people get agitated and upset :)

    I hadn't played in years and years. it was fun but I'm still not a massive board game person. people irritate me. hee hee.

  3. Love your winning trofeos! Beers!
    Ninja power!

  4. love the packaging on that parcheesi. i'm hopeless at games (not a strategic thinker, apparently) whether i'm trying or not! haven't played parcheesi since i was, like, six! great blast from the past. and i'm not just talking about the game packaging. (caught the bottle tops too!)

  5. it's really my hate game :( but I love your stage :)

  6. when I think about it, I hate Monopoly more :)

  7. I think Ninja's one smart cookie! You would surely beat my ars at board games ... :^)

  8. Three bottle caps later and I suppose I'd finally enjoy the game. Yummm.

  9. la ninja strikes again! ;)

  10. Ah ah, excellent ! You're the best...

  11. A esto le llaman parchís allí? Lo siento pero aqui me habeis decepcionado, si con esto se irritan los holandeses con una partida de parchís español a cara perro puede haber navajazos!

  12. Eso sí, el diseño se sale.


what's that I hear (read rather)?