Wednesday, 10 November 2010

half past tree

Look at me. Aren't I being a good ninja and playing along with all the rest of my fellow corner viewers.
I am rather surprised myself as I thought I would not have the time, energy or will to. However, I seem to be doing all right.
(Basically, I have another 20,000 more important things to do. Procrastination is the word, as per usual.)

But to the point, ninja. Autumn.

1. Pic taken on 12th October when it was all still lush and green.
2. Photo opp totally missed when it was all gorgeous, yellow and gold. 
I thought about it every morning last week on my cycle to work but it was wet, grey and windy and I am always in a rush in the mornings.
3. Off to Barcelona for a long weekend and a wedding party. It was superb, yes.
4. Back this week to find the below. Pic taken on 8th November.
So, I totally missed the middle shot in the sequence, which shows how quickly we are entering serious winter territory.
It does not wait for anyone, people. El que no corre vuela, mutha'uckers.

Go on, bonus shots. Autumn skies in Amsterdam and Barcelona. Guess which one is which?

PS - People, Theresa has an updated (and much shorter) list of everyone taking part in cv.


  1. Corner View is a great thing to do on top of the 20,000 things list!! Well done to keep it at the top, and very dramatic to see the story without the 'middle' view--- a beginning, and an 'end', the end being the beginning of the next season, and on and on, I think you've got something eternal!
    and Autumnal:))
    cheers, Ms. Ninja to a most happiest of falls!

    PS thank you for keeping me on my (linguistic) toes, I had to look up your word (expression) on my last post comment:)))

  2. PS that was fun, a simultaneous commenting!!
    See, we are both true procrastinators at heart.
    Keep warm,

  3. Thanks for the ride! I like the atmosphere of your pictures (and the tittle of your post!). Nice autumn :)

    PS : I always make my pictures on the blog (except to present books or movies).

  4. Dear Ninjinta,
    probably you know already 'cause you are a wise ninja but anyway here you are:
    now we just entered into the estiuet of Sant Martí (11th november)

  5. luv the title!
    and moooie fotoos

  6. Quite a good idea to do some before-after-shots!
    But the question of amsterdam-or-barcelona...hmmmm...REALLY difficult! :o))
    Had to smile about the title!

  7. you missed the middleshot, haha, you funny Ninja,love your post!!

  8. i like the before and after shot. You are one of many talents- i can't believe you can ride a bike and take photos!! have a fun and safe trip! xo

  9. me encantan tus fotos y esos árboles del antes y después lucen increibles, suerte de pasar por ahí!

  10. by jove, ninja! don't we just dream up the middle phase???
    yes. we do.

  11. ha ha ha....
    that middle phase (er, shot) of trees you missed?

  12. hahahaaa.....the upper is Amsterdam and the below is Spain! I'm guessing by looking at the trees!
    It is nice to see the same path in a few month, what does nature change quick!

  13. Stunning photo! Know what you mean about procrastination. I should be doing a hundred other things.

  14. but sometimes in the procrastination we catch the things we would otherwise miss?

    ok so i thought you were a brit! but you come from points south? the castanyetas (sp) look like an italian cookie that i make - but which has eggwhites - in addition to ground almonds and pignolis. looks like a nice tradition!

  15. hi there :)
    autumn trees and autumn skies.. doesn't get much better than that :)

  16. I know it, I know it, the third one is barcelona:)! You should always play along, your views are unique. And looking closely at the tunnel of almost bare trees there, I can see the light at the end already: it's going to be a good winter!

  17. Barcelona or Amsterdam....hmm I'm guessing the 1st shot is Barcelona!
    Great before and after shot - while on your bike, yes? Nice job!
    Thanks for doing CV I enjoy your view.

  18. Reading you always put a smile on my face, thank you for that :)

  19. Great title. Love the before and after shots ... as well as of the skies in Amsterdam and Barcelona, in that order :)

  20. Oh Ninja, you've captured the essence of Dutch fall - too soon, too short. I always long for Vermont, or Canada, or Japan, basically anywhere with longlasting fall colors. Lucky you, a trip to Barcelona!

  21. Great photos, and great contrasts. And it is great to have you playing with us...your touch is special. Always have another different view.

  22. amazing before and after photos of those trees ! i like that !!

  23. Great post. Pity you missed the middle, but I bet being in Barcelona was way better eh!

  24. Great pictures! Autmn was yesterday, now it's winter (at least that's what it feels like here)

  25. Ninj,
    Amazing contrast in the trees. I love it.
    The cycles of life come whether we want them to or not.
    I for one am glad you are comin round. I'll bet I speak for others. Now that I used your idea you kinda have to return next week!
    wink wink
    see how I work??

  26. pfff, that's an easy question ;)
    Het lijkt ook wel of alle bladeren tegelijk denken; en nu is het klaar' en zich massaal naar beneden laten vallen!

  27. Superb!! Good job getting to CV! You have me beat!

  28. ha. too annoying the weather doesn't wait around until we have time to take pictures, no?

    my fave is your autumn-on-the-balcony-shot.

  29. Love your before and after shots of the trees! :)

  30. nice job on your autumn cv! I too really like the before and after shot!

  31. Oh Ninja, I think I love you. And I love that bicycle photo.

  32. In that one shot it looks like the furniture movers took took long of a lunch break. Do you see it chica?
    Thanks for posting


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