Wednesday, 3 February 2010

corner view? sweeeeet!

This is one of the first pics I took to show on the blog. It was longer than a year ago now, but I had not gotten round to posting it yet (there's a good hundred of those.) However, when I read about the theme for this week, this pic immediately came to mind. It was still living in my external memory drive in a folder called "potential blogging" (only in Spanish.) Ha.

I love the idea of these sweets. Each two of them form a proverb, you just have to find both matching bits.
The one above would translate "much ado about nothing", "mucho ruido y pocas nueces", "molt soroll per a res".
My sort of thing, popular culture, language, a bit of brain training (not my first language, this one) and all in the form of old-fashioned sweets. Genius, I say.

I've kept a few more wrappers (you get them at some restaurants with the bill, like you do mints) but none match (or at least I don't get 'em.) Boo hoo.

Have you developed a sweet tooth? Have a look at spain daily, then.


  1. YOU'RE the genius with all the languages you speak Ms. Ninja - really!

    I never got one of those little goodies with my coffee when we were last in Amsterdam (2007)...and as you put it... boo hoo!

  2. Love these little guys! Genius indeed! Great colors too!

  3. I think candies that make you think are a great idea! If we could only print school lessons on candy wrappers, maybe more of the children would pay attention ( sorry, it was a tough day of tutoring and I'm not sure anything I said got through to my students).

  4. hmm, so that means that you must eat more candies to make the proverb? sign me up.

  5. This must be a little like fortune cookies. You just have to know Dutch! :)

  6. Also I want to say, Grazie per la visita. I am learning Italian at Italian For Beginners. It is a learning blog by Lakeviewer!

  7. vintage sweets !!!

  8. Ze bestaan nog? Ijsbonbons! Als dat niet Vintage is ;-) *voel me ineens stokoud*

    HastalaPasta, Ninja!

  9. ha ninja! i must say.. i like you!

    heerlijke zuurtjes! en die teksten! en de kleurtjes! en de vorm en het gevoel in je mond..mjam

  10. Perfect to stop war game... and play word game ;) I'ld like to taste !!! and play as well.

    Sweet post !

  11. You also have a green one???
    Me han dejado pillada...fijo leyenda urbana de esas....

  12. I love any wrappers with a message, especially if its philosophy or poetry--and you found ones in great colors too.
    You're living up to your Ninja brilliance!!
    I'd love to see Ninja chocolates too, with your own philosophy, humor and proverbs written on the wrappers and with the litttle Ninja logo printed on them in bright colors of course!
    Sweet days to you:)

  13. That's a genius marketing concept. Are they also good?

  14. I love the color too!
    What do they taste like?

  15. Very funny concept ... I'm curious too, are they good?

  16. How interesting. Here we get "sayings" or fortunes written on the inside of snack raisin boxes, its a little strange I think!

  17. Those look good! I defenitly have a gigantic sweet tooth, anything with sugar, I'm there!

  18. better than those mints that come with the bill. Those just end up in my pocket, get forgotten and then go through the wash with my jeans. Oh well.

  19. these are so cool. p.s. sorry so late- hugs darling.

  20. how did i miss this? sweet! so how DO you say "potential blogging" in spanish?


what's that I hear (read rather)?