Monday, 1 February 2010

wear a thong, carry rum or debug ie6...

... are just some of the things you can do while keeping calm or while carrying out a similar activity (kelping clam or the like.)

Fab evolution tree put together here and found by way of here but actually sent to me by an attentive young man. So no, I didn't move a finger, it just landed in my Inbox. Hooray. Best way to find cool stuff, isn't it just?

On another note: The geese are back! I
can hear them clearly, noisy buggers. (They've been gone since the canal started freezing around Xmas. I think they were just around the corner, to be honest, but it's been a while.) I'll count them in a minute to see whether anyone else had (and went ahead with) my Xmas paté idea.

I really am going to tape them one day and post the audio file here (both because it'd be a rivetting post and because I know people are secretly very interested and fascinated by the racket the bloody gaggle of geese living in my canal makes. Not and... probably not either.) Onto that red couch now to watch The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the film) and yes, I'm still poorly. Bloody germs, nearly as annoying as the bloody geese. Adiós.


  1. Geese. Oy. I understand.

    On a related note, where I grew up was on the migratory route of hugs flocks of trumpeter swans. Talk about a racket! Beautiful but racketous. :oD

  2. No sé que me ha hecho el bitxo este pero se ha cargado todo el comentario...sería que no era el apropiado...ANIMO y te mando un poco de solillo desde aquí, que empieza a despejar un poco...
    Yo me he comprado uno de esos posters...pero unos de "every cloud has silver lining" o algo así...vamos algo positivo pq vuelvo gris.

  3. They'll keep you company, you know... Baci,

  4. I quite like comment number 3 but will have to delete it, I reckon. either spam (my first one, I think, yeah, I've been blogspammed) or a very complicated mathematical-algorythmic-rhytmic-sort-of-thingic-equation that just pheeeuwwww, went straight over my head ;)

  5. no offence to the rest of commenters, that is :)

  6. Why do you reckon it might be spam:)?
    About the germs, I'm just feeling better today, but then, I don't have the geese.

  7. oi, whas da? italian sarcasm?
    good to hear about your germs, I'll send some paté your way :)

  8. i kind of want to hear them... ;)

  9. Oh, this tree is awesome! Seriously, it's a bit out of control, no?

    The bloody geese! I hear you! We have a huge lake with trails across the street from us and you can't walk anywhere without stepping in their ever so fabulous, and smelly I might add, POOP! I'm so over it! Pate is sounds so delicious at the moment!

  10. Oh, and yes, the comment... pretty sure it's SPAM. I've been hit a few times. Bloody annoying!! I LOVE using the word 'bloody'!!

    bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody, bloody...

  11. I'd love that, let me know when I should send you my address:)!

  12. this is hilarious! i am so sick of seeing that sign. it's time someone messed around with it.

    p.s. if this were a contest, i would also cast my vote for comment #3.

  13. oh no, no, the sign's great and the history behind it and how they found it too (great war-time slogan), it's just a shame how things get trivialised and out of control. that together with the phenomenon that the web is. oh well, another day, another discussion.

  14. hi-lar-ious
    I vote for keep calm and wear a thong - or just don't get your panties all in a bunch


what's that I hear (read rather)?