Wednesday, 27 January 2010

cv - ninja's (current) favourite hang-out

Booooooooring. I know, I know, but this ninja's got a cold (again? still?) so this little corner's has been, since Saturday, a bit of a safe haven for her in the evenings.

I got myself that red beauty up there on the Interwebs for a silly silly price. Remember my make-do-pretendy-polder-sofa-(and-very-uncomfortable)-temporary-solution? Well, it was time to sit on a proper couch and, following the advice of a few good people, I went on an online comb of the area for second-hand options; thinking there was no way in hell I'd get what I wanted. Well, I was wrong. Long story short, this is an old sofa but I totally love the model and the colour (cherry red, a bit like Di's slippers.) It's a bit knackered in places to be perfectly honest (but nothing a good dry-cleaning wouldn't sort out) and I'm a much happier ninja now I'm not sitting on the floor any longer.

Right, that's me. Book, music, paper, film, hot tea. January ninja hang-out. In fact, what the hell am I doing behind this screen drafting tomorrow's cv post? Off to that couch it is.


  1. looks like the perfect place to chill out and work on kicking that cold's ass.

  2. i´ve always wanted a red sofa! love it!

  3. Ha that's my kind of sofa!

  4. een gelderland. mooi eh, daan? ;)

  5. congrats ninjita! nice couch!
    bats the batter bith your cold???
    big kiss and big achuchón from rainy still?¿?!!! Barna

  6. My couch is also cherry red. Actually, it was: the color has now faded quite a bit, after 15 years of hard use. And guess what, right now I'm sitting on my faded cherry red couch!

  7. Lovely red sofa...and I will wait until you get better...I will share some beer and something to eat. Ok?

  8. I love your cv! Your sofa looks confortable!

  9. Good place to be !!!

  10. haha! hup op de bank jij!

  11. The new ninja-couch!! :D
    I love that corner: it's colourful, and cosy, and warm, and I wanna be there now and not in this cold place and I want the spring and drink the lemonade made with the lemons that life gives to also gives rotten bananas in a bag sometimes...

  12. No boring at all !!! But beautiful corner !!

    I hope you'll better soon ;)

  13. A perfect hangout, wonderful color!
    Hope you feel better,

  14. congratulations for your red beauty !!

  15. Oh yea... A DVD, a cup of hot tea, a blanket, a lap cat, and a cozy couch... that is all it takes :^)

    Congrats on that fab couch Ninj!

  16. nijntje, my dear dear nutcase (fuori comme un balcone a primavera), life only gives YOU a bag full of rotten bananas :) all the lemonade you want in the spring, we can even take the couch out onto the balcony. bieeeeeeen!

    thanks ladeez, currently sitting on it as I type (shouldn't do this typing on lap thing so I'll stop in a minute)

  17. I like the lemonade advise! Thank you for your visit:)

  18. I think my slippers would love to come over and curl up on that warm and inviting looking sofa!

    Hope your cold gets better soon!

  19. Niña-ninja, Love that couch! I am jealous, I do not have one so inviting, mostly because my cat occupies it!

  20. LOVE it!! And red is soooo Ninja!

    I love your lemonade picture... my favorite... When life gives you lemons add vodka! Cheers!

  21. There's nothing boring about a Red sofa :>) Glad you shared your cheery Corner View. Now off to the couch with you until you're feeling better. Get well soon. Cheers (and lemonade) ~ Conny

  22. I love your red sofa ... Hope you get better soon!

  23. Staying at home is NOT boring, it's normal! Isn't it? You have a nice sofa ;-)

  24. oh but this is wonderful! and I am nursing a cold as well so I understand fully... thanks for your visit! kenza.

  25. i love your poster in the corner! :)

  26. seems to be a nice place to hangout with a good book

  27. How you're doing now? Feeling any better? If not..Get Well Soon!!

  28. it actually looks pretty cozy :)

  29. I love the sofa!

  30. It looks perfect! I would never want to leave home! Hope you get to wear flip-flops soon! Yesterday I sat in the sun on our deck and it was heaven! Take care!

  31. Congratulations on your new couch!

  32. I love the red. Sorry you're not feeling well - get better.

  33. los resfriados o grupa son los peor... me encanta el sofá y el cuadro de la esquina!

  34. love that red sofa! sorry about the cold though - hope you'll get better soon.

  35. Perfect sofa and colour for a Ninja :-) I hope you're feeling better now.

    Ps: Love the poster in the corner!!

  36. Ahhh, you got it, you got it!!!!! It is a beauty, very punchy color, well done (and now, fight the cold in ninja style)!

  37. Oh, looks great! Would like to sit there reading a book.

    xxx MiMa

  38. why is no comment from me here? i wrote something. doesn`t matter. i do it again.

    i really LOVE that place. the sofa is really very nice - but a little bit small... and red ;-) i cannot see red anymore... you know, mine has the same colour. i want a grey one. and you?

    i will post soon about a few fantastic sofas - i promise!


what's that I hear (read rather)?