Thursday, 15 April 2010

a year? woo hoo!

And, after such a promising title, I'm afraid the entry that follows is rather crappy.
However, I didn't want to let the cornerviewersary go without a peep. So, there, peeeeeeeeep!

So, yup, late and poor post. However, I did raise my (plastic cup) beer on Tues-Wed night (previous post) to Jane and her world-renowned cv (cheers, me dear!) and I now give you feet. Tra la la la. If that isn't a mad celebration... Well, I don't know what is.
Oh yeah, instead of re-posting, just get your derrières over here and check for yourselves all the nonsense, fun and games that has been taking place at la ninja's cv since last July. And speaking of bottoms, the sun's shining (and has been for a few days, ha-lle-lu-jah) so watch this space for more neighbourhood strip (yet not tease) shenanigans.


  1. girl i like your Shoes and Staircase!

    happyhiephiepHoera for CV!

  2. A funny picture to celebrate the event ! It's nice ;)

    Can men have the same shoes ,

  3. I had some brilliant comment in mind, by I was distracted by the fact that while I was about to write it, I received a comment from you! (you beat me, oh well). Thanks for your brilliant humor and insights!

  4. Link, link, linkety link.

    Happy day chica.

    Glad to have you in my corner, or me in your corner...

  5. I'm sorry but i LOVE the feet, and the steps and colour! No crappy there... looking forward to the shenanigans!

  6. I love your photo - very graphic!
    Always fun to come to your blog!!
    Happy CV anniversary!!

  7. hi hi hi - you made me smile. i like your post... and your great shoes and stairs!

    ... and... yes, i followed the lego-work around the world. it is fantastic. i just took the best german picture ;-) when i am bored one day, i will do it in nuremberg and send him a pic...

    have a nice weekend!

  8. I think those must be super-duper powered ninja shoes...must be :^)

    Happy CV anniversary dear girl - so happy to have met you through our weekly ta-do! xo

  9. Fun and cheers to you!
    My post is even later, as in not yet:)))
    Happy CV One YEAR!
    PS I found an origami Shuri-ken the other day, and thought of you!

    PS do you know what a shuri-ken is? A ninja's tool, maybe its called something else in Holland...

  10. hey! thank you to pass on my blog and leave a comment! my English is so poor that I hesitate to show me! and I saw this beautiful diaper! How lucky you are to have a neighbor like her!;)

  11. happy feet :)
    happy anniversary :)

  12. Happy Anniversary! Cool shoes. Have a great week!

  13. Happy cv anniversary Ninja !!!

  14. love the yellow, red and black!
    Happy Anniversary. Your posts always have me laughing!! enjoy the sun!

  15. colors are wonderful...
    lovely pic!

  16. Hey La Ninja...your comment on my Things To(Do)Day post cracked me up!!! Thanks for the hysterical laugh I got stuck in that day ;-)
    (Echt, als ik het weer lees - zoals daarstraks - krijg ik weer een smile on mijn face).

  17. How cool your shoes can be? Likkkkkeeeeee


  18. Cool shoes you got there. Glad you didn't fall backward on those steps.


what's that I hear (read rather)?