Thursday, 20 May 2010

are marbles good against cellulite?

No, I'm not losing my marbles.
I'm also not going to invent an anti-cellulite cream involving marbles.
And I'm definitely not going to tell you about the time when a friend and I started discussing the possibilities of a new fantabulous and spunky cosmetic cream. I had read a crazy article about how healthy for the skin seminal fluids were (I know.) So, basically we devised a plan where every woman would be armed with small lab test-tubes so as to be able to collect the stuff at any given hanky-panky-shenaningans opportunity. We would later gather all samples to create crazy revolutionary anti-ageing rich blobby cream. Freshness was the only qualm he had. The only one? Ha. Well, they already make creams with snail slime, right?
My friend probably does not even remember (in my experience, we all tend to have acute memory loss when this sort of sticky reminders come up), or will vehemently deny, having had such conversation. Oh well...

So, no, I am not going to tell you about any of that stuff. However, I am going to show you the most beautiful bench in the history of benches.
My b-day is next week and I just wanted to mention I accept all kinds of gifts and tokens. Anyone? A bench for ninja? A tad dear, yes. However, isn't it the most fantastic, fun, beautiful, not to forget cellulite-friendly thing you've ever seen? (I hope all this cellulite lark does not get me intro trouble with the artist.)

Come a little bit closer.
We saw and sit-tested it at droog a couple of months ago. The big bulb and flying lettuce day (which, if I can be arsed, may make an appearance here at some point too.)
I am, no doubt, a bit behind schedule with stuff I'd like to post. On the plus side, I tasted lots of wine on a boat yesterday evening (more to come) and the sun's out with a passion. So hey!


  1. I think you've outdone yourself with this post! GREAT.
    Now, where to start?
    1) I'm afraid, don't count me in as your cosmetic cream client, I'm devoted to a particular brand that offers the whole package - happiness, glamour, freedom, money and anti-age.
    2) we could always do a ninja bench blog collection
    3) happy b-day, hope you'll post on the date
    4) the video made me a little queasy and motion-sick, is that good for cellulitis?!
    5) then it made me smile
    6) did you break the white bowl?
    7) don't I wish I was able to be anglo-saxon concise!

  2. oye q chulo
    la idea de la crema... la birra es mu mala

  3. that last photo -- are they sitting on dinner plates??

  4. hehehe! la ninja strikes again! good one, chica.

    and i am nuts about that marble bench. must have been a fantastic sensory experience!!

  5. francesca: grazie cara. 1. wow, 2. please do, 3. ta, I'll try, 4. definitely, 5. :), 6. no (don't you forget we, ninjas, are very swift), 7. don't we all, hun?

    e: I hadn't drunk a drop of beer before hatching the cunning moisturiser plan. better? worse?

    aimee: depending on the time of day. at tea time it is saucers that are used ;P

  6. I can't watch the video... It's terrible...
    You made me laught !

  7. Okay, I've already blocked out the memory of your "special" cream. Good, whew...

    I think sitting on the marbles directly would be a nice experience vs. on the dinner plate, non???

    Happy soon-ish Birthday to you dear Ninja-san! xo

  8. ... maybe some sports ?!! no, I laught ; )

  9. Me dejas sin palabras...
    Experimentos de esa índole...creo que alguna amiga mía también ha hecho..por suerte sigue sin efectos secundarios.
    Felicidades, y espero asomes las orejillas para que te podamos tirar de ellas el día.
    Y si es por hacerte feliz, se hace cualquier cosilla y se te manda una gran sorpresa...donde hay que mandar???

  10. Hahaha!! I hope you get what you wish for :-D

  11. can`t stop laughing... you are fantastic my dear!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that post. i need that bench.


what's that I hear (read rather)?