Friday, 16 July 2010

1 + 1 = bollex

I got sent this (rare) WIN entry from (a well-loved site by some members of our congregation) and it made me think of real exam answers I received some time ago by mail (no idea where they come from.)
You just have to love them, don't you? They actually remind me of myself at the time, even though the ninja didn't have the cheek to actually draw wild animals. I just sat down, put my name on top of the exam paper and waited an hour looking into space with aloof dignity. Aaaaaaaw, good old rebellious times.
Exhibit A: Inconvenient Grizzly Bear.
Exhibit B: Well... Obviously, Sir.

Exhibit C: Serious Expansion.

Exhibit D: Laying Down the Numbers.
Exhibit E: Accepting Your Fate aka The Hangman.


  1. my personal favourite is the hangman.

  2. I love the hangman too... urgghhh hated exams!!!!

  3. hahahahaha, ya lo había visto, pero me hace reir de nuevo!
    y mi favorito también es el ahorcado!

  4. I favor the hangman as well - that's how I always felt in math class...and numbers still confuse me. A while ago a friend and I were trying to figure out how many zeros in one million...took us some time and we were sober too. Kindred souls ;^)

  5. Fantastic! Thanks for the giggles! I teach English at the university and get some hilarious sentences on exams. I'll have to write some down one day!

  6. darling... did i tell you, that i have an exam in mathematic and do now physics?

    great post - i love it!

  7. don't get me wrong, I could not answer any of this to save my life. still... I love a bit of fun and, if you're going down (like this lot above) you may as well do it in style.

  8. Genial! me ha encantado el límite que resulta ser un cinco tumbado ... jua jua ... alguien ha dejado perder a un genio. Great!

  9. ninja, you have confused me beyond belief. and that is why i love this post.

  10. This post is going to give me nightmares:)

  11. Esas integrales triples...esas matemáticas encanta el ahorcado...jajajaja
    Creo que ya había yo leído algo de esto en mis buenos tiempos..jajajaja

  12. mysterious equations...
    I won't even attempt to understand!
    happy summer days to you:))

  13. I don't know what to say about this? However, I love your passion for your soccer team in earlier post! Hope you are having a happy summer!

  14. expandir
    e x p a n d i r
    e x p a n d i r


  15. :-) I will show the grizzly to my students.


what's that I hear (read rather)?