Wednesday, 8 September 2010

back to school cv

Hey, cv is back and for once I have decided to join in.
I hesitated about it, to be honest, as I do not do personal stuff on this blog (not much, at least.) 
But... What the hell, let's throw caution to the wind and write something slightly private. Woo hoo, brave or what!

After a few months thinking about it, I have landed myself a job as English teacher at a vocational school in Amsterdam. It is going to be a challenge and a half, to say the least, but hey, so far so good. Kind of. Ahem. Lots to learn, but I will survive.

There. How is that for a back to school post, then?

Here is a pic of Miss Ninja (or should I say Juffrouw Ninja?) waiting for the metro last week.

Oh yeah, and that Jane is off again. A jet setter that one. Honestly... I do not know.


  1. Good luck with the Juff job. You didn't give too much personal stuff away here, just nice shoes!

  2. Espero que tudo corra bem, miss Ninja, professora de inglês:)Like your style!

  3. you will do a fantastic job - for sure. your english is great - better than mine ;-)

    i cross my fingers...

  4. I am sure you'll be a great teacher and enjoy it too! Good luck with it all!

  5. That's fantastic! But, what on earth is a vocational school? Hope you have great students!

  6. francesca: trade or career school.
    specifically career-oriented (formación profesional in spanish and probably s/thing similar in italian, right?)

  7. Are you going to use the same disciplinary methods as my school? If so, they will probably be very surprised in Amsterdam.

  8. I bet if we could see your whole outfit it would be tres chic. Love the little bit of it I see :^)

    Can't wait to hear some classroom stories... Congrats again (heehee) Ms. Ninja!

  9. ian, this is amsterdam; easy does it. even though they are a handful and could do with some discipline, some of them.

    gracias "y'all" but no, I'm never très chic. trying to look presentable by the end of the day, that is the main aim :)

  10. haha you're very brave congratulations!! (and you didnt even correct me on my wrong spelling tea(t)cher, wich I did myself fortunately ;)

  11. good luck with the teaching then, hey?

  12. Congrats girl. You are quite the mystery woman, aren't you? I keep wondering what if I ran into you, I would never know it's you.
    the multitasking maniac with a face ahh!!!!

  13. PS
    Glad you're back to CV. It wasn't the same without you! Hope you stay.

  14. have a great year my dear! (am loving your trainers!!!) victorias?
    p.s. keep in touch:)

  15. oh, you will be a great English teacher, just remember to always put in at least several doses of your very own Ninja humor. You'll get plenty of forgiveness on any small grammar mistakes if you keep things funny:)))
    And be sure to show off your shoes!
    really, Good luck and all the best, thanks for sharing!

  16. I feel certain you'll be a good English teacher as you have a great sense of humor. Nothing like laughing at oneself with the students. Wish I was there so you could improve my Dutch ~ I have a terribly laughable English accent.


  17. Good for you!! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

  18. You would have prefer... footballer rathe than teacher ???

  19. congrats!! you will make a fabulous teacher, and i am thrilled to know that not long from now, your disciples will be running around the globe speaking in ninja english! this is excellent news!

  20. hey, that's exciting! i owe my teachers an awful lot and i'm sure you're going to be a breath of fresh air and inspiration to many at your school. you go, girl!

  21. I guarantee you're the most kick-ass english teacher there is!! Yikes... now I'm a bit nervous, I have horrible grammar! I'm sure I use WAY too many ... (dot dot dot).

    Thanks for dropping by... I have like minutes in blogland lately. No CV this year... the pressure! ;)

    Hope you had a fab summer! I'm going to catch up now on what you've been up too.


what's that I hear (read rather)?