Saturday, 29 January 2011

der himmel über barcelona

How very Goya (insert alternative Dutch, Italian, Flemish Old Master of choice) are those skies. So very dramatic and dark. Love them.

Now, the same spot but showing street lamps and apartment blocks; definitely much less 18th century. However, I somehow reckon Don Francisco would have approved of those clouds.
Even though I'm glad I'm getting a new phone soon, I'm definitely going to miss this trusty little one's camera.
This were taken outside my bro's apartment in Barcelona exactly a month ago (between Xmas and New Year, which seems like yonks ago.) 

I'll also post more Berlin pics soon (hence, the title reference.) That's another trip that seems to have taken place months and months ago. Bah. January. Bastard.

Update - I've just realised (Tuesday 1st February, late evening) that this post can double up as evening skies cv this week. Double somersault in the air.


  1. Paintings... Very Goya... so true.
    I'm waiting for the new camera and the Berlin pics...

  2. surprising juxtaposition. shakes my saturday bones!

  3. Goya yes indeed, so beautiful. Glad you captured them these emotional looking clouds!

    YONKS! Does seem like a million years ago, and I keep thinking it's February already. Old age ;^)

  4. boahhh... amazing! it is really beautiful!

  5. indeed the first 2 are pretty amazing!!!

  6. i`m in shame ;-) but i promise, i will show more lovely sofas... if you will buy one, you have to show it to me!

  7. hey sweetie! hope all is well and you are keeping warm!
    big kisses!

  8. me again ;-) i thougt, that i wrote you because of your sofa - i really like it (look my comment) - but it is also red...

    good start into week!

  9. Dramatic skies! Guapos.
    HAppy monday!

  10. tenebrozo! no me va muy bien. :-)

  11. Yonks. I'm gonna use that now. Is it copyrighted? :)

  12. excited to see what you'll come up with once you have a new phone! a new telephotony era!

  13. And for the CV of the day... It's perfect ;)
    and so dramatic!

  14. oh, very goya-rembrandt indeed. scandalously beautiful.

    looking forward to more berlin pics! (and riga pics, yes please! she says hi by the way.)

  15. never seen such a dramatic sky! this could really be taken out of an old master's painting! amazing!

  16. dramatic skies indeed!
    glad that you were sun kissed in your last post - love the chick dancing!!

  17. love the first 2 ones, could also be Richter's!

  18. great view the sky of the painter and the sky in berlin!

  19. you had me totally fooled! amazing pics!

  20. Well well missy. Annabel was just sayin' I hope la ninja keeps doing cv!
    I am appreciating how all of you intelligent artistic people are awakening the memories of my art history classes. Back in the day. Nice job on the double flip post me friend.

  21. What a deep earthy palette in your skies!
    The world through a ninja's eyes,
    always full of wonder and...

  22. love the little hint of golden light in all of these. such a smart ninja, too, to double up. i have been a CV slacker these past two weeks with too many snow days and ice days to actually have time to sit and think. i love seeing yours and getting your many fantastic comments.

  23. These are hypnotic. The upper two makes me want to paint again. You will miss that camera but you've still got your eye. Hugs.

  24. I can't believe you took these with your phone....Awesome!!

  25. one: stop the adulation, you mad people (you know who you are)
    two: the mobile phone does that. not enough light, so crazy effects are created. love it but cannot take massive amounts of credit for it. alas! ;)

  26. Oh they are very dramatic skies! Great shots. :)

  27. Goya from a phone! Comming with you I think!


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