Wednesday, 19 August 2009

are you fucking kidding me?

My colleague sent me this video today and it made me giggle. For obvious cliché-avoiding reasons I am not posting it on facebook but I'm sure it'll be doing the rounds there soon enough (if it hasn't yet, that is) getting her plenty of attention.

I didn't know this Ozzie artist at all so I'm not yet sure whether I like any of her other stuff. However, here's her webpage and her youtube channel so that everyone can check her out and decide for themselves.

Note: Of course the evil ex would be a pirate. Ninjas are cool. Ninjas rule.


  1. haha, that's great! but what the fuck is up with leaving the u out of fuck all the time? i see it everywhere, it's dead annoying. is it fuck it, or is it fstarck it? make up your minds, people! :D

  2. god I should send this song to sooo many people

  3. eva, nena... so popular are we, ei?
    ha ha! ;P

  4. funny and a sign of our times, isn't it, this electronic miscommunication? (she ponders while she types this message addressing people she doesn't really know! raaaa!)

    therese, I agree with you, you either swear or you don't...
    I tend to. quite a bit.
    I chose this "starred-titled" version, though, because of the subtitles and the hilarity of the audience going for it big time.

  5. OOOH, so, so, soooooo gooood!

  6. sure I am! de fet ho vaig a penjar a facebook amb el teu permís, ja saps q no puc deixar passar aquestes oportunitats per "brillar" al món online. I em fa riure tant xx

  7. és bo, oi? penja, penja, ni que fos meu! jo només l'he trobat (de fet, me l'han passat) i brilla, fill, brilla... twinkle, twinkle little star! ;P

    anonymous, que ets una anonymous de pacotilla!

  8. that was original! She sounds like Regina Spektor a bit.


what's that I hear (read rather)?