Saturday, 15 August 2009

once upon a time, there was this wee ninja...

...who came tucked in a assorted b-day pack from this missy here.
Even though this wee one immediately became a cherished possession, I was yet to find a function for this little ninja (it has been hanging prominently on the studio wall but other than that, nada). Now, it's finally found its hiding
place (very skilfully making itself invisible in a totally accomplished ninja manner... not) on the banner up there. Where is that ninja? Where is it, indeed?

Beware. Master of the stealth hug too. Kua-chaaiiiiiiii, d'woooooooo!!!


  1. fabulous conversion to banner, my dear. well done! the wee ninja is a heart melter, yes indeed!

  2. your blog cracks me up! i love your sense of humor, and i am going to borrow your phrase 'wise travel wardens' from now on.

    and every time i see your name 'la ninja' it reminds me of a blog award that my friend ces designed called 'mental ninja' :

  3. ha ha... you had me thinking there on the "wise traffic wardens" bit but just remembered about my comment, phew! :)

    well, if there is someone that deserves a mental ninja award... ahem.

  4. Very nice hiding place:)! And I love that ninja for all seasons, what an inspiration!

  5. you find it an inspiration... my feet? wow! grazie :)

    have started only recently, though, so I need more seasons and more feet... lots of summer shoes lately, which is when one feels like being and playing outside, isn't it? in the winter, this ninja tends to quickly rush indoors.

  6. hahhaa, que ninja tan divertida esta! :)

  7. Ninja is really very cool ninja features on my blog page in March this year - he may have to make an appearance again soon...

  8. aha! :)

    I have checked that ninja out now (tried to find your e-mail address to reply but couldn't see one in your blog... could just be me being utterly pants. it happens. often.)

    they should meet my ninjita and your ninja boy... who knows, ha ha!

    thanks a lot for your comments, di!


what's that I hear (read rather)?