Sunday, 9 August 2009

snappy snaps

Note: All pics unedited and taken with a mobile phone.


  1. Hey, really not bad for phone pictures!!!! It encourages me to take some with mine too - I'll start bombarding tomorrow. New post-holiday resolution. There you go! Oh, it is lovely to have you back here ;-)

  2. I must movile phone has no camera!

  3. donina: grazie! good to have you back too!
    I know some of the pics are a tad unfocused but I like them that way, to be honest. I just felt like having a bit of a visual reflection of the w-end...

    ibb: old school phone, wow.
    I actually use my "phone cam" lots lately 'cos I see lots of (silly/small) stuff happening around and I rarely carry my "proper" camera with me.

  4. i totally love these photos! maybe i need to pull the mobile camera out sometimes - even though i am constantly taking my new new nikon along. but these photos sure are pretty!

  5. Nice, nice, nice... pictures !!!

  6. I love these snappy links between your snaps !

  7. la tercera es mi favorita!
    ps. está bien si te escribo en español? por razones obvias me es mucho mas fácil que con el inglés! (además si vienes a buenos aires tienes que practicar!) :)

  8. thank you, ladeez.
    (still getting to grips with this lark of having people checking my little "bloguito" out... quite overwelming in a sort of fun & interesting way)

    @ epe: por supuesto, no problem... ¿voy a necesitar aprender el lingo bonaerense si voy por allí? yo pensaba que con mi españolito de a pie ya me serviría, ji ji! :)

  9. Good pictures! mobile phone or not, your eyes are still there! I like the way you watch the world...

  10. con tu españolito te vas a arreglar perfectamente! :)

  11. nena q monas te han quedao xxx

  12. Only 5 are uploading at the moment, and it looks like there may be some more, but these 5 ones are amazing. I never thought of actually using the camera function on my cell phone, but I'm on a snappy snap mission now.

  13. nah, only five, it went a bit haywire, I reckon (probably me, to be honest)

    "telephotos" are fun, you go girl! :)


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