Wednesday, 16 September 2009

corner view: september

This week, from my corner we get more a glimpse than a view. I haven't had the time or energy to compose the proper post I'd have liked to. However, I have a good excuse*.

The two lit windows on the first photograph are those of my living room and... don't they just look dreamy in this light (I reckon mobile telephotony (yes, again) adds a certain je ne sais quoi and nineteenth-centuryness to it, to be honest).

I was just walking home the other evening and it struck me (for the umpteenth time) how beautiful my street actually is.

This second set of pics is the view from inside that very living room, sitting on the couch. It has started to get darker earlier and we have been noticing all the lit windows of the beautiful canal houses opposite.

So, there you have it, one September evening, as seen from the corner of my eye.


- Also, in the spirit of September (and, basically, that of cheekiness and laziness in general), I would like this post to double as the tag/meme/whatever I never joined last week. Chicas, this is my half-arsed attempt at a (promised) "little bit more personal" post. ;)

- Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. For more CVs, visit spain daily and the hostess: Missus Corner View herself.

* Pssst, pssst... Let me tell you a secret. The "good" excuse is I got the keys to my new apartment yesterday (after signing all final (and rather scary) paperwork at the notary)and I'm giddy but knackered at the same time.
I also think I am really going to miss the area where I currently live. Hence the premature nostalgia, I reckon.


  1. Can your new living room possibly have better inside and outside views? Beautiful views.

  2. Beautiful house! It is so stylish!

    Wellcome tea cups and cakes! You are invited to an autunm merienda.

  3. Oh! What a view! Your building looks amazing! So much history there! Hope you enjoy your new place!!

    Happy September!

  4. Congrats on passing this rite of passage (homeownership) and here's to the next chapter! Welcome to da hood! ;-)

  5. wait wait- are you in amsterdam? did i know this already? if so, can i help you decorate..?( i´d come anyway darling.) besos! and congrats on the new apartment! how exciting!

  6. very nice view! Congrats on the new apartment.I hope it has a great view.

  7. There are few things that makes me more happy/sad in a good way than seeing a home from the outside on a dark evening. Your street sure looks beautiful and special.

  8. A september like a fairytale... "Sounds" like Mary Poppins !

  9. I hope your new place will have just as beautiful a view from the inside and the outside as this one :-)

  10. Awesome, and I think I have said this before, but I love your whimsical header.

  11. siiiiiiiiii


  12. Wow, what a gorgeous view, it definitely beats my living room view which is of a parking lot!!

  13. pero que linda casa que tienes guapa, y que linda vista tienes desde ella. :)

  14. european streets and towns have such history and style. that kind of thing is so hard to find here in the states. lucky you - looks like you got a super cool new place!

  15. magical views!
    happy september:)

  16. Your new place looks great !!! Lucky you !!

  17. hola everyone,

    well, well, it's been busy here (and I still haven't finished doing the rounds on your little domains. boo hoo. hard work this cv lark, jane. you didn't tell me that!)

    thanks for all your comments. these pics are of the old (current) apartment, which is a 17th century building (that's the façade, the inside is about 19th century (being generous)... and that's the reason I'm finally moving to a place with windows that close and that sort of comfort.) I love the area and wished I could afford s/thing there. however, the new place is pretty too and it overlooks a canal. let me just indulge in a bit of premature nostalgia while I'm still here.

    anonymous e: hun, who are you? (I've narrowed it down to two Es and I think you're the lovely metallic pig up in bounds green, ¿sí?

    jane: yes I am. no, you obviously didn't seem to know and... ahem, that's probably the reason why you didn't, I'm just scared you're going to stalk and kill me to get my house as your retirement pad now. :)

    caitlin: thanks, more ninja stuff coming up soon, hee hee.

    aimee: I just happen to live bang in the middle of the historical city centre but we surely have crappy architecture and ugly views here too...

  18. Amsterdam? oh my, I've been dreaming of the place lately... I swoon.

    Hey Ninja, you gave me quite a giggle with the funny comment left on my blog - :)!

  19. oh it's like a storybook!!!! so cool.

  20. Nice to meet you and your blog - first picture have a little bit mysterious - I like it and this "je-ne-sais-quoi" ! Thank for you passage !

  21. Those pics definitely have a mysterious feel to them. Cool!

  22. what beautiful houses!! How lovely if I could live there...
    Happy September! ox

  23. neat view you have there. I'm curious to see what the new place will look like? Will we be moving at the same time?

  24. Truly lovely! Hope your new apt has an equally great view. Also love your envelopes post-- how unique :)

  25. your street does look dreamy. Nice pictures.
    Congrats on your new apartment!

  26. love that view - living next to a canal sounds like a dream, and the view looks like a dream :)


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