Saturday, 19 September 2009

where is that?

Three days in a row I came home from work to find the paper slips UPS had left behind after two unsuccessful delivery attempts. The first two days I was a tad puzzled as, normally, you have to order something for it to be sent to your house (and by courier, no less) and I hadn't ordered anything at all. Anyway, on the third day, my neighbour had picked it up for me and left it outside my door. Hooray. Initiative.
Can you imagine my surprise when, after a couple of minutes fumbling with the packet (it came from a company called shapeways, so it briefly crossed my mind it could be spanx underpants, "spanx" I hear you thinking? I know, my mind can work in mysterious ways), I found this lovely metallic little ninja, the spitting image of this other one.
I left a voicemail for that boy (it was either him or some spam-gone-wrong-moment. I´d surely clicked somewhere I shouldn't have and would now be ripped off no end for a product I hadn't really consciously ordered... drama.)
A bit later I get this (and I translate literally) text message: "me? ordering a ninja? huh? you mean a custom made stainless steel 3d printed ninja? where is that?"
Yup, he'd been waiting to try this (apparently revolutionary) new technique where you take a design/drawing, send it in and they create exactly that: a stainless steel (or plastic) 3d printed model of it. To test it out, he decided to (secretly) send them a version of my ninja sticker.
So, there you have it. My own custom made stainless steel 3d printed ninja as seen modelled by the boy. Where is that ninja? Well, in your pocket.
I'm totally chuffed. Now I just need to find a chain strong enough to be able to wear it. Lovely and (oh, so very) feminine stainless steel. :)

Note: Jokes aside, it really seems to be revolutionary and, according to that boy, it will change the way we approach production. I hear that using it someone created a part for his motorcycle and could ride it again (said part had been discontinued and no-one could help him repair his bike.) Me, I'm just delighted with my pendant. Check shapeways out.


  1. that's so cute!!
    yes, i can imagine your surprise... it's so good open package when they finnally arrive!!!

    happy week!!

  2. hilarious! i'm not sure what i enjoyed more - seeing that perfectly shaped stainless steel ninja or reading about how completely befuddled you were by the arrival of the package!

  3. That's quite the sweet initiative really, well done J-B!

  4. que buena es esta historia! y me encanta tu ninja...

  5. not bad, is it?

    I was totally surprised myself.
    yes aimee, utterly befuddled by a teeny tiny ninja, ha!
    mari, how about that pretty clone of your pressie? you have to "meet her in person", like!

  6. i love it! this is such a great idea. are you still smiling?... besos!

  7. Now that is cool! Great initiative by 'that boy'.... ;-)

  8. I want a ninja like this one ;) Nice surprise !

  9. Aren't they cute? both!!!
    the ninja and the boy!

  10. Wow! Great story,
    and cute ninja. I also love the change in scale as the ninja is placed on different things.
    I can picture your little ninja on all different backgrounds, visiting places all over the world!
    In my dream last night there was a computer file labelled "possibilities" in Japanese, and I downloaded it (in order to open it). Your post reminds of this idea--the act of opening 'possibilities'!

  11. oh i love it, and I'm so planning on doing something with this too!

  12. yup, "that boy" has his hidden coups de théâtre ;)

    andrea, hun, what's with the robot-like number? you had me confused there for a sec, I thought it was spam, you number 6p00df351d35...
    and yes, probably handy for you to play around and experiment with this new technique. do show, will ya?


what's that I hear (read rather)?