Monday, 3 January 2011

starting the year with a bang (or two)

Weihnachten ist toll :)* says Mathilda.

I am positive it is. What I know for sure is that New Year is definitely fun in Berlin.
We started the new year with a bang (and you will have to excuse the pun, no way to avoid it, really), i.e. in the midst of one of the biggest fireworks extravaganza in Europe, Unter den Linden.
Truth is this ninja does not even enjoy fireworks that much.
Chicken ninja. Cheep cheep.

Bang number two was this morning. Proper beginning of the "real" year.
I read it was verraderlijk glad**. Still got on the bike, cycled carefully but, lo and behold, about twenty minutes later... Bang. On the floor. Bruised knee, embarrassment, metro.
Clumsy ninja. Boo hoo.

It is just a scratch and a bruise and I am perfectly fine. However, that is no way to land (knee first) back into reality. After two great weeks away (Barcelona + Berlin, telepics to follow), there was absolutely no need for that, thank you very much.

Well, hello 2011. Gentler treatment, please. Ta.

* Christmas is nice   ** treacherously slippy


  1. Meilleurs voeux pour 2011!
    & Take care!!

  2. Welcome to 2011! Take care on the ice ;o)

    Our fireworks at New Year lasted about 20 minutes but that's because it took our crack team of firework specialists about 2 minutes to light each firework - not so much display as bang......................................................bang.....................................bang......................bang

  3. happy, happy! jealous of your travels, not jealous of your knee... i fall enough on my own, thank you very much! cheers to 2011!

  4. sorry about your boo boo.... be careful in all that snow.
    Gosh that is a lot of snow!
    Happy New Year and best wishes.

  5. Ouch! Will it be metro for a long time? Bring a book!
    Happy 2011!

  6. Feliz año!!
    La nieve ha desaparecido ya por aquí...sniff...ahora hace algo más de calorcillo...
    Disfruta del alocado comienzo...

  7. holy crap that´s a lot of snow! stay safe dear ninja! and wishing you a wonderful 2011 full of ninjaisms!

  8. Very icy! stay safe and have a happy new year!

  9. Take care and happy happy new year, with always fun !!!

  10. i hate icy streets (while snow is kind of ok), who needs them? so sorry about your fall - hope your knee is better already.

    that berlin pic is really cool: looking forward to more!

  11. it was taken from inside the pro qm shop, k.

  12. Oh poor Ninja...
    Anyway, it started "badly", now only the good !-))))
    Right ???

  13. Poor thing, this is why we wish everyone a good slide (or fall!) into the new year ("Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!") obviously had it! But don't worry, 2011 can only get better now! ;o)

  14. and a happy new one to you too! impressive snow photos!

  15. Be careful! There is lots of snow.... We had a heavy snow storm recently and have another snow today... I love snow!

    Happy New Year to you, Ninja!

  16. On the bright side, at least the new year came in with bangs and not booms?!?


what's that I hear (read rather)?