Tuesday, 11 January 2011

winter in berlin - cv

Ah, winter. Aren't we all over and done with it? Away with the whole slippy mess.
Bye bye slush, ice, slippery streets, glazed frost in the morning. Bye bye being black and blue. Bye bloody bye.

Anyway, a couple of unedited Berlin winter pics. Totally love 'em all.
Does anyone recognise anything at all? Wink. Nudge.

Psst. Can you spot the Fernsehturm on pics 4 and 5? European landmarks seem to have been playing hide and seek lately.
Paris, December 2010. Where's top of the Tour Eiffel? That plus more winter pics from da Dam from last month, which could work for cv just as well.


  1. Agreed ~ each one is an awesome picture! I'm so glad I stopped by today. (I'm still not in the swing of things to do a Corner View yet - perhaps next week.) Cheers~

  2. my first trip to berin was in winter (februrary) and your photos bring back memories. my sister lived in prenslauer berg, close to the fernsehturm... it's one of my favorite berlin landmarks. i am so jealous of you and your time there!

  3. i went back again the following april and my sis and i stood in line for over an hour to go into the reichstag and walk around the glass dome... it had just opened to the public and was a very popular place to be back in 1999!

  4. hello ninja! happy new year! what a couple of weeks you've had! thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics!

  5. Great photos. My fav are the huge icles!! xo

  6. Oh my word... I am sitting here in long underwear, 2 pairs of socks, and a scarf wrapped around my neck and it (only?) in the 40's F outside. How do you do it? Though it is beautiful, and if I could I would be there in a heart beat!

  7. We share the same feelings about winter. Totally. Only, I wouldn't have been able to write them as eloquently as you have:)

  8. francesca. ha!

    janis, it was really cold those first days but good cold, i.e. dry cold. it was much worst when it started to thaw: slushy, wet and windy.

  9. Great shots... But freezing.

  10. hm, let's see, i recognize the ice, the snow, the sleet, the mist...
    i think your last photo of the momument is touching.
    never been to berlin yet.

  11. Berlin im Winter, ein Traum! I've been there twice, but in summer, which was also great! Have to go there again, when I see your pictures, and you know: I'm not that far away...live in the same country!! :D

  12. i've never been to berlin but i really want to!

  13. They are all good photos, but that third one is superb. My memories of being in Berlin all seem to relate to the Cold War and the wall coming down, around '89. That first apartment block looks very like the ones close to the wall, on the eastern side (I'm probably miles out). I loved the bleak exoticism and intrigue of the old Communist Bloc. Every time I went in there, it felt like I was leaving reality and entering a parallel universe.

  14. i hear you, ninja! and there are (sigh) many months ahead. do love your photos... in a sort of resigned way.

    berlin in winter sort of scares me. i was in hamburg for a single winter, and that scared me, too. even ny winters make me cringe, but this is home, so i have to find the warmth here even when it looks like i will just turn into a little popsicle and never get out from under the thirty layers of clothing.

    hugs, ninja!

  15. great photos
    we scream, i sream we all scream for SPRING!

  16. hmmm I have never been to berlin ... I think I would pick spring for a visit :) Great pics ...

  17. now i need to put on a sweater.
    great shots my dear!

  18. I have a feeling winter isn't going any where any time soon. It is pay back for such a lovely long summer.

  19. Awesome icicles! Berlin looks like a good place to visit (in summer, though).

  20. Oh wow! Freezing! I get cold just looking at the pictures! But snow can be pretty. Great pictures.

  21. wow the monument looks just as impressing in winter as it was in the Summer. Can't wait to go to Berlin again!

  22. These are great shots! We had some snow today...very cold here too.

  23. Great photos.
    I haven't seen a real icycle in I don't know how long! icicle, i mean!

    Hope it warms up soon where you are:)

    and thank you for the comment about the trousers, you had me laughing out loud, one day I will do a post about "kaze no ko", the way children are brought up in Japan to be toughened to the cold--you see a lot of kids here in shorts in winter, so I almost forgot how it may seem unusual!!

  24. brrrrrrrrr! da frío sólo de ver!
    me encantan tus fotos! aunque me hacen sentir que no debo ni pensar en quejarme por nuestro insípido invierno! ;)

  25. Great shots ... I like the stalactites

  26. Ah, Berlin, I have such great memories of my time there many, many years ago now. Your photos make me keen to head back sometime soon.

  27. ah... i love corner views like these! random city shots are always my faves and these are such cool pics! especially those of the dudes on the roof :)

  28. I had to put on my mittens to look at these! The blue photo is stunning.

  29. los pelos como escarpias!

  30. how come i thought i had commented on these when i didn't? am i losing it?!

    anyway: super pics! i'll have to speak to riga before i can say if i recognise anything. hard to tell too, as the snow's gone and only starting to come back now. dusting car roofs so far, not more. hope it stays that way...

  31. "do" discuss it with her. she may recognise the first three as the backyard of the "ramshackle" little pub on your street. number six may appear to be familiar too... ;)

  32. p.s.: she loooves that box you cut for her. she virtually lives in it.

  33. felines know better. I reckon that's probably the answer to winter.
    let's cut xl-sized aldi boxes for ourselves and simply live in them until spring has arrived :)

  34. winter indeed! Die ijspegels! Mooi, maar oeh 'k zou er niet graag onder lopen...

  35. Brrrr, all I can think is 'it looks sooo cold!'. Man, I'm looking forward to Summer.


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