Saturday, 19 March 2011

monty python's international philosophy

Well... that (which, in itself, is more than enough to make my and everyone else's weekend.)
That and the fact I have hung the wash outside to dry, for the second weekend in a row. Major development in favour of everyone's mental health around these here parts. Totally.


  1. :D!! Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh!
    I'm pleased for the development in favour of everyone's mental health, we are yet to make this leap forward x

  2. blast from the past.
    football season coming on, i guess?

  3. I just love the python and this I had not seen in yonks. it made me laugh no end.
    check out the "surprise" players in each team. ha!

    grey-ish again. boo hoo ;)

  4. Jjajajajajaj...esos monty...hay clásicos que siempre es bueno revivir...
    Dos fines de semana la ropa fuera...jode, aquí ni de palo...

  5. awesome! and cheers for the improvement of mental health!


what's that I hear (read rather)?